Rabu, 27 April 2016

Tumbangnya Media Cetak

Belum lama saya mendapatkan kabar bahwa majalah TRAX Indonesia memutuskan untuk menghentikan penerbitan mereka, tadi malam putri sulung saya membeli majalah GIRLS, dan guess what?  Tulisan di sampulnya, “Edisi Perpisahan.”  Ah.... saya langsung berpikir, another one bites the dust.  Ada satu lagi media yang rontok.

Sebelum majalah Girls dan Trax, sudah banyak media tradisional alias cetak yang telah mengambil langkah seribu lebih dulu.  Gelombang penutupan berbagai media cetak sebenarnya sudah sejak lama.  Sejak tahun 2009, tercatat lebih dari 300 penerbitan tradisional yang tutup di Amerika dan Eropa. Para pelaku bisnis cetak seharusnya sudah aware akan hal ini.  Yang sempat membuat saya tercengang adalah tutupnya majalah FHM UK.  Bersamaan dengan FHM UK ini ada juga sederet majalah laki-laki dewasa lainnya yaitu ZOO, LOADED dan NUTS yang juga ditutup.  Ah, rupanya kaum pria ‘nakal’ sudah beralih dari media cetak ke smartphone mereka.   Pengumuman dari redaksi Zoo pun cukup singkat,

“Gents, we have some news. It is with regret we have to inform you of the intention to suspend publication of Zoo.”

Banyak yang gak tau, tapi Gramedia Majalah di akhir tahun 2014 bahkan merumahkan ratusan karyawan mereka.  Pait banget, karena ini adalah perusahaan besar yang sudah sangat lama berkiprah di Indonesia. Opsi merumahkan pastinya keputusan akhir yang harus diambil ketika opsi lainnya sudah tidak memungkinkan.  Saya jadi teringat rebutan majalah Donal Bebek dengan abang saya setiap saat majalah itu hadir di rumah.

 Everything starts and ends with the consumer in mind.

Tumbangnya media cetak menurut saya bukan hal yang mengejutkan.  Memang konsumen nya sudah berubah.  Habit kita sudah berubah.  Dalam menciptakan business model saja, kita selalu berawal dari consumer.  Mengidentifikasikan segmen konsumen yang kita sasar sedetil-detilnya, memahami dengan baik kemauan mereka, hingga akhirnya tau persis apa yang mereka mau, kapan mereka mau, dan bagaimana menyajikannya.

Anak – anak saya sudah gak rebutan majalah lagi. Buat apa?  Mereka tinggal buka iPad mereka.  Putri sulung saya bahkan sudah punya kindle, dan hampir semua buku favoritnya ada disitu.  Jaman memang sudah berubah.  Perubahan ini dibaca dengan baik oleh Larry Page dan Sergei Brin dari Google dan Jeff Bezos dari Amazon.  Dalam suatu kuliah terbuka di Amerika, Jeff Bezos pernah mengatakan bahwa dirinya dan Amazon sangat terobsesi kepada konsumen.  Terobsesi.   Artinya, dia tidur, makan, minum, olahraga yang dipikirkan hanya konsumen.

Nah, para pemimpin perusahaan di Indonesia banyak yang lupa untuk selalu ‘terobsesi’ kepada konsumen.  Karena sibuk mengejar market share, sales, dan lain-lainnya.  Akhirnya, bisnis mereka tenggelam kita konsumen sudah berubah.  Hey, saya juga pernah mengalami hal tersebut.  Gara-gara sibuk mikirin penjualan saja, jadi lupa apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh konsumen saya.

Namun demikian, tidak semua media cetak tumbang.  Masih banyak yang bertahan, seperti Femina dan majalah HAI.  Setelah saya amati, mereka yang berhasil bertahan ini umumnya memang rajin melakukan off print activities dan sangat dekat dengan komunitas mereka.  Femina termasuk yang saya paling salut dalam menangani komunitas mereka yang sangat loyal.  Artinya, media cetak tetap bisa bertahan asal mereka selalu ‘terobsesi’ dengan konsumen yang mereka sasar.

Tumbangnya beberapa media cetak ini mengingatkan para pemimpin perusahaan untuk selalu berfokus pada konsumen yang mereka sasar.  Dalam buku Business Model Generation karya Alexander Osterwalder, membangun sebuah business model juga didasarkan dari pemahaman customer segment yang kemudian berlanjut kepada value proposition.

Jadi, sebagai pemimpin perusahaan, luangkanlah waktu bertemu dan bertatap muka dengan konsumen Anda.  Lupakan kegiatan membosankan seperti meeting, forecasting dan hal lain-nya. Spend time with your clients.  Istilahnya Jokowi, blusukan.  Yuk, mari.

Dino Martin - Linkedin.com

Selasa, 26 April 2016

How Consumers Watch Video

Recently, blinkx released the results of survey of online video viewing habits conducted on its behalf by Harris Interactive. The survey was designed to reveal viewing and social media sharing habits of U.S. consumers and uncovered some not-so-surprising trends.

In total, 2 out of 4 people watch online video.
- 57% watch 1 to 5 hours each week
- 26% watch more than 5 hours each week
- 17% watch less than one hour each week
- 867% watch videos on their computers
- 35% watch videos on their smartphones
- 23% watch videos on their tablets
- 14% watch videos on their smart TV

Smartphone users watch more viral videos with 61% viewing virals on their smartphones. Tablet users watch more entertainment with 48% viewing entertainment on their tablets.
Of smartphone users:
- 61% watch viral videos
- 48% watch entertainment
- 41% watch news
- 24% watch how-to videos
- 17% watch TV shows
- 14% watch movies

Of tablet users:
- 48% watch entertainment
- 45% watch news
- 44% watch viral videos
- 40% watch TV shows
- 34% watch movies
- 29% watch how-to videos

Of course, for Smart TV users, most (72%) watch movies and TV shows (64%)
In terms of video length, in general, shorter videos are viewed in smaller screen and longer videos are viewed on larger screens.

In terms of the most memorable advertising videos, entertainment category videos (movie trailers, etc.) are most remembered at 37%. This is followed by consumer goods at 17%, financial services at 17% and cars at 15%.

Sumber: http://www.adrants.com/2013/10/how-consumers-watch-video-infographic.php

The Benefits of Video Marketing Online

Unsure of the benefits and mechanics of using video marketing online in order to increase engagement and conversions? This infographic lays it out straight. Infographic on Inside Video Marketing. It’s now commonly accepted that video marketing via a website will potentially improve performance, reduce bounce rates and even boost conversions. But why is that the case?

In a three-part series from video testimonial solution, BuboBox, the mechanics, benefits and results of video marketing online are broken down into easy-to-read infographics. In this first illustration, the fundamental elements have been presented for your appraisal.

What is your experience with implementing video content on a website? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Sumber: http://www.powerretail.com.au/marketing/infographic-video-marketing-online/

10 Benefits of Video Marketing

We’ve been pushing our clients and sponsors more and more to produce video and we’ve been partnering with several video companies to help develop the scripts and stories – both live and animated – to help drive conversions to our clients. Video costs continue to plummet and incredible tools and companies exist that can help you produce, edit, manage and host video content that engages your audience. If you’re not doing video… you must. If your competitors are doing video, they’re already winning!

Video has the potential to transmit large amounts of information. A simple 2 3 second video can transmit tons of historical, emotional, and academic information simply from the imagery portrayed in the shot. After you create your own video, you can use it to communicate in ways that other marketing tools don’t.

This infographic from The War Room Production Studio spells out 10 concrete benefits of a video marketing strategy:

Sumber: https://www.marketingtechblog.com/10-benefits-video-marketing/

The 2015 Video Marketing Cheat Sheet

Did you know that there are more than 7 billion videos watched each and every day on Facebook and YouTube? One thing is clear: customers are hungry for video. Our recent survey confirms that businesses that are using video have a leg up in 2015.
Some of the highlights of our survey include the following stats:

  • 4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it.
  • 1 in 4 consumers actually lose interest in a company if it doesn’t have video.
  • Customers are nearly 50% more likely to read email newsletters that include links to video.
  • 4 in 5 consumers say a video showing how a product or service works is important.

While video marketing has become one of the most popular content tactics for B2B companies, creating enough content to keep those strategies humming is still an uphill battle for many. You hear it all the time: “We plan to create more content, we just need to come up with some new ideas.”
The fact is, great content ideas are all around you if you take the time to notice them. For video in particular, different styles can often inspire a treasure trove of untapped coverage areas to take advantage of (Credit to Brainshark).

I’m constantly amazed at the unlimited resources that have become available to produce video/digital media content. If you like this post or have anything to add – feel free to drop a comment below.

Su,ber: http://drewdfranklin.com/video-marketing-animoto/

5 Phases To an Explainer Video

Taking your complicated business or idea and making it simple is hard. We have now produced 378 videos and we have learned how to develop and stick to a process that works. Check out the infographic to learn more.

Over 5 phases our team collaborates to take your concept and turn it into a clear and succinct video.

Sumber: http://www.switchvideo.com/infographic-process/